27  Fleet size



This input presents the number of aircraft, per type, operating in Europe.

This input presents the number of aircraft, per type, operating in Europe. Table 27.1 shows the top 30 civil aircraft operating in 2022 in the airspace controlled by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager.

Table 27.1: Top 30 civil aircraft operating in NM area
Aircraft type Number of aircraft Number of flights Proportion of aircraft Cumulative Proportion of flights Cumulative
B738 1,705 1,722,929 7.43% 7.43% 18.96% 18.96%
A320 1,569 1,421,804 6.84% 14.27% 15.64% 34.60%
B77W 712 164,394 3.10% 17.37% 1.81% 36.41%
GLF5 627 15,601 2.73% 20.10% 0.17% 36.58%
GLEX 565 30,789 2.46% 22.56% 0.34% 36.92%
A20N 557 461,640 2.43% 24.99% 5.08% 42.00%
B789 508 136,468 2.21% 27.20% 1.50% 43.50%
A21N 499 300,283 2.17% 29.38% 3.30% 46.80%
A319 478 515,513 2.08% 31.46% 5.67% 52.47%
A321 473 372,532 2.06% 33.52% 4.10% 56.57%
GLF4 454 9,475 1.98% 35.50% 0.10% 56.68%
CL60 443 24,016 1.93% 37.43% 0.26% 56.94%
DA42 436 53,303 1.90% 39.33% 0.59% 57.53%
GLF6 429 13,921 1.87% 41.20% 0.15% 57.68%
A333 418 129,940 1.82% 43.02% 1.43% 59.11%
B763 384 65,906 1.67% 44.70% 0.73% 59.84%
A359 368 78,582 1.60% 46.30% 0.86% 60.70%
B38M 365 271,476 1.59% 47.89% 2.99% 63.69%
PC12 358 55,886 1.56% 49.45% 0.61% 64.30%
A332 352 86,506 1.53% 50.98% 0.95% 65.25%
F900 295 10,078 1.29% 52.27% 0.11% 65.37%
B788 294 80,970 1.28% 53.55% 0.89% 66.26%
F2TH 284 27,439 1.24% 54.79% 0.30% 66.56%
B77L 258 69,049 1.12% 55.91% 0.76% 67.32%
B744 254 39,504 1.11% 57.02% 0.43% 67.75%
FA7X 253 13,650 1.10% 58.12% 0.15% 67.90%
B772 240 66,430 1.05% 59.17% 0.73% 68.63%
PA34 239 11,781 1.04% 60.21% 0.13% 68.76%
GL5T 213 10,043 0.93% 61.14% 0.11% 68.87%
BE20 206 47,688 0.90% 62.04% 0.52% 69.40%
Other types 8,712 2,781,391 37.96% 100.00% 30.60% 100.00%
Total 22,948 1 9,088,987 100.00% NA 100.00% NA
Source: EUROCONTROL Network Manager flight plans, 2022
1 This value may vary from the total number of flights reported earlier in this document due to a slight difference in scope of data available

The 22,948 civil aircraft in Table 27.1 include 500 unique aircraft types. The top 30 aircraft types listed above represent approximately 62% of the total fleet and 69% of flights.

Table 27.2 shows the number of military aircraft by category in 2019 vs 2023 in Europe, USA, and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries1[1]

Table 27.2: Military aircraft in 2023 vs 2019
Aircraft type Europe 2019 Europe 2023 USA 2019 USA 2023 CIS 2019 CIS 2023
Combat aircraft  2,066 2,008 2,879 2,820 1,936 1,864
Special Mission1 245 245 780 758 125 147
Tanker 56 49 592 638 19 19
Transport 648 588 979 990 443 484
Combat helicopter 3,359 3,328 5,555 5,704 1,807 1,915
Training aircraft/helicopters 2,201 1,912 2,996 2,766 574 624
Total military fleet 8,575 8,130 13,781 13,676 4,904 5,053
% Difference 2023 vs 2019 NA −5.19% NA −0.76% NA 3.04%
Source: FlightGlobal (2023) 2023 World Air Forces directory
1 Special Mission Aircraft are those platforms specifically developed to undertake an over-battlefield role by utilization of advanced onboard equipment or specialized trait
Figure 27.1: Number of helicopters and VFR airframers in Europe [2] [3]

27.1 Other possible sources - forward-looking

The Airbus Global Market Forecast for 2022-2041 presents a forward-looking view of the evolution of the air transport sector, accounting for factors such as demographic and economic growth, tourism trends, oil prices, the development of new and existing routes, and ultimately highlighting demand for aircraft covering the spectrum of sizes from 100 seats to the very largest aircraft of over 500 seats.

Figure 27.2: Airbus commercial aircraft demand 2022-2041 [2]

As shown in Figure 27.2, for the years 2022-2041, Airbus forecasts a demand for 39,490 new commercial aircraft worldwide, of which 8,140 units (21%) are for Europe/CIS regions. Asia-Pacific, China and the US are driving the growth, while single-aisle aircraft dominate the demand (>80%).

For the same period (2022-2041), Boeing forecasts a global demand for 40,170 new commercial aircraft of which 8,550 units (21%) are for Europe. Europe, Asia-Pacific, US, and China are the drivers for growth owing to the demand for single-aisle aircraft which represents between 69% (in US) and 82% (in Europe) of the total fleet forecast. Figure 27.3 shows the Boeing forecast demand for new aircraft by category and world regions with a focus on single-aisle aircraft which lead the market growth.

Figure 27.3: Boeing commercial aircraft demand 2022-2041 [4]

27.3 References

FlightGlobal, “2023 World Air Forces directory,” 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.flightglobal.com/reports/2023-world-air-forces-directory/151088.article
Stan Shparberg, Bob Lange, “Global Market Forecast 2022-2041,” 2022 [Online]. Available: https://www.airbus.com/en/products-services/commercial-aircraft/market/global-market-forecast
European Helicopter Association, “European Helicopter fleet analysis,” 2013 [Online]. Available: https://www.eha-heli.eu/images/archive/European_Helicopter_IFR_fleet_VFinal.pdf
Boeing, “Commercial Market Outlook 2022.” [Online]. Available: https://www.boeing.com/commercial/market/commercial-market-outlook/index.page#/overview

  1. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.↩︎