Acronyms and definitions



Table 1: Acronyms abbreviations used in this document
AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate
ACARS Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System
ACC Area Control Centre
A-CDM Airport CDM
ACE ATM cost-effectiveness
ACI Airports Council International
ACMG Airline Cost Management Group
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
ADS-C Automatic dependent surveillance-contract
AEM Advanced Emission Model
AFIS Airport/Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AIBT Actual In-Block Time
AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
AIRIAL Air Navigation Inter-Site Acronym List
AIS Aeronautical Information Services
Albcontrol Albanian ANSP
ALDT Actual Landing Time
ANS Air Navigation Services
ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
AOBT Actual Off-Block Time
AOC Air Operator Certificate
APCH Approach
APM Aircraft Performance Model
APP Approach Units
APV Approach Procedures with Vertical Guidance
ARMATS Armenian Air Traffic Services (Armenian ANSP)
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCO Air Traffic Control Officer
ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management
ATM Air Traffic Management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
ATOT Actual Take-Off Time
Austro Control Austrian ANSP
BADA Base of Aircraft Data
bbl Barrel
BHANSA Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
CDM Collaborative Decision-Making
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CNS Communication, Navigation and Surveillance
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CODA Central Office of Delay Analysis
CP1 Common Project 1
CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
CRCO Central Route Charges Office
Croatia Control Croatian ANSP
CRS Central Reservation System
DAIO Departures, Arrivals, Internal, Overflight
db(A) Equivalent continuous level
DCAC Cyprus Cypriot ANSP
D-FIS Data Link Flight Information Service
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung (German ANSP)
DGAC Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (FR)
DHMI Devlet Hava Meydanları İsletmesi (Turkish ANSP)
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DOT Department of Transport 
DSNA Direction des services de la navigation aérienne (FR)
EAD European AIS Database
EANS Estonian Air Navigation Services (Estonian ANSP)
EAO EUROCONTROL Aviation Outlook
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference
EEA European Environment Agency
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EMEP European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
ENAV Ente Nazionale di Assistenza al Volo S.p.A. (Italian ANSP)
ESSIP European Single Sky Implementation
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme (of the European Union)
EU European Union
Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Union
EVAIR EUROCONTROL voluntary ATM incident reporting
FANS Future air navigation systems
Fintraffic ANS Finnish ANSP
FIR Flight Information Region
FMC Flight Management Computer
FOCA Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation
FPL Flight Plan
FTE Full Time Equivalent
GA General Aviation
GAT General Air Traffic
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDS Global Distribution System
GLS GNSS Landing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
H2O Water (chemical compound)
HASP Hellenic Aviation Service Provider (Greek ANSP)
HC Unburnt hydrocarbons
HEATCO Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project Assessment
HF High Frequency
HF RTF High Frequency Radiotelephony
HFDL High Frequency Data Link
HICP Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
HungaroControl Hungarian ANSP
IAA Irish Aviation Authority (Irish ANSP)
IATA International Air Transport Association
IC Interrogator Code
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ITF International Transport Forum
kg Kilogramme
LBS Pound (weight)
Lden Perceived noise level weighted over day/evening/night
LFV Luftfartsverket (Swedish ANSP)
LGS Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme (Latvian ANSP)
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LPS Letové Prevádzkové Služby Slovenskej Republiky (Slovak ANSP)
LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LSA Light Sport Aeroplanes
LSSIP Local Single Sky ImPlementation
LTO Landing and Take-Off Cycle
LVNL Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (Dutch ANSP)
MAIS Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale
MATS Malta Air Traffic Services Ltd. (Malta ANSP)
MLAT Multilateration
MLS Microwave Landing System
M-NAV Air Navigation Services Provider of the Republic of North Macedonia
MOLDATSA Moldavian Air Traffic Services Authority
MPL3 Master Plan Level 3
MTSAT Multifunction Transport Satellite
MUAC Maastricht Upper Air Control Centre
N2O Nitrogen dioxide (chemical compound)
NATS National Air Traffic Services Ltd. (United Kingdom ANSP)
NAV Portugal Portuguese ANSP
NAVIAIR Air Navigation Services – Flyvesikringstjenesten (Danish ANSP)
NCC Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
NM Nautical Miles
NM Network Manager
NMD Network Management Directorate
NMVOC Non-methane volatile organic compound (chemical compound)
NOP Network Operations Plan
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
NPV Net Present Value
OAT Operational Air Traffic
Oro Navigacija Lithuanian ANSP
PANSA Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
PAX Passengers
PBN Performance-Based Navigation
PCP Pilot Common Project
PDC ACARS Pre-Departure Clearance ACARS
PM volatile Particulate Matter volatile 
PM2.5 (Atmospheric) Particulate matter
Ppm Parts per million
PRB Performance Review Body
PRR Performance Review Report
PRU Performance Review Unit
PSR Primary Surveillance Radar
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
ROIC Return On Invested Capital
ROMATSA Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration
RPAS Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
RPK Revenue passenger kilometre
SAF Sustainable Aviation Fuel
SATCOM Satellite communications
SBAS Space Based Augmentation System
SDP SESAR Deployment Programme
SES Single European Sky
SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research
SID STATFOR Interactive Dashboard
SJU SESAR Joint Undertaking
skeyes Belgian ANSP
Skyguide Swiss ANSP
Slovenia Control Slovenian ANSP
SMATSA Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency
SMS Safety Management System
SO2 Sulphur dioxide (chemical compound)
SOx Sulphur Oxides
SPO Special Operations
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
STATFOR EUROCONTROL Statistics and Forecasts service
STD Scheduled Time of Departure
TACAN Tactical air navigation
TMA Terminal Manoeuvring Area
TNSU Terminal Navigation Service Units
TSU Terminal Service Units
TVM Time Value of Money
TWR Tower
UAS Unmanned Aircraft Systems
UHF Ultra-high frequency
UkSATSE Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise
UoW University of Westminster
US gal US gallon
VDL VHF digital datalink
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VLA Very Light Aeroplanes
VNAV Vertical Navigation
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Ranging
VOR/DME VHF Omnidirectional Ranging/Distance Measuring Equipment
VSL Value of Statistical Life
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WAM Wide-Area Multilateration
WPR Waypoint Position Report