46  Discount rate



46.3 Further reading

The sources listed below are those recommended to consult for further information about discount rate:

  • European Commission (2021), Better regulation toolbox [1]

    Has been created to support designing EU policies and laws so that they achieve their objectives at minimum cost. The Guidelines explain what better regulation is and how it should be applied in the day-to-day practices of Commission officials preparing new initiatives and proposals or managing existing policies and legislation.

  • European Commission (2014), Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment projects, Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion policy 2014-2020 [4]

    Offers practical guidance on major project appraisals, as embodied in the cohesion policy legislation for 2014-2020 and takes into account the specific requirements for the European Commission.

  • European Commission (2022), Economic Appraisal Vademecum 2021-2027 – General principles and sector applications [5]

    Further promotes and simplifies the voluntary use of Economic Appraisal for EU co-financed investments in the 2021-2027 programming period.

  • GOV.UK, HM Treasury (2018), The Green Book: Central Government Guidance on Appraisal and Evaluation [6]

    The EUROCONTROL recommended value of 3% is not necessarily suitable for discounting intergenerational projects, especially the projects dealing with environmental matters. A declining long-term discount rate approach may be used following the example on p.104 of this document.

46.4 Comment

Different approaches to determining discount rates can be used (social rate of time preference, marginal social opportunity cost of capital, weighted average cost of capital, shadow price of capital). A description of these approaches goes beyond the limits of this document.

The choice of an appropriate social discount rate for the cost-benefit analysis of public projects has long been a contentious issue and subject to intense debate by economists.

Since the choice of discount rate is a matter of judgment, it is recommended that in project appraisals the sensitivity analysis should include a consideration of the effect of differing discount rates. Note that the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the discount rate which will give an NPV of zero and thus gives the effective overall return on an investment over the period under consideration.

46.5 References

European Commission, “Better Regulation Toolbox,” Jul. 2023 [Online]. Available: https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2023-09/BR%20toolbox%20-%20Jul%202023%20-%20FINAL.pdf. [Accessed: Dec. 19, 2023]
European Commission, “Implementing Regulation 2019/317 art. 22 (4).” [Online]. Available: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?toc=OJ%3AL%3A2019%3A056%3ATOC&uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2019.056.01.0001.01.ENG
Performance Review Body (PRB), “Study on cost of capital. Methodology review and update,” 2021 [Online]. Available: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/download/attachments/54034648/prb_cost_of_capital_report_2021_published.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1650978083175&api=v2
European Commission DG REGIO, “Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020,” 2014 [Online]. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/publications/guides/2014/guide-to-cost-benefit-analysis-of-investment-projects-for-cohesion-policy-2014-2020
European Commission DG REGIO, “Economic appraisal vademecum 2021-2027 General principles and sector applications,” 2022 [Online]. Available: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/cf2c28fe-484e-11ed-92ed-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
GOV.UK, HM Treasury, “The Green Book: Central Government Guidance on Appraisal and Evaluation,” 2018 [Online]. Available: https://www.financeministersforclimate.org/knowledge-center/green-book-central-government-guidance-appraisal-and-evaluation

  1. Please refer to the source document for further details↩︎

  2. See table 2 of the source document↩︎