Version changes



The table below presents a brief overview of the values that have been updated in this release of the document compared to previous ones. Its aim is to explain to the user in which cases a divergence between the values is due to an update.

Please note that Release 10.0.3 is compared to EUROCONTROL Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses - Edition 9.

Table 1: Version change register
Input Release 10.0.3 Release 10
Air traffic statistics and forecasts Full update Full update
Medium-term capacity planning Full update Full update
Number of IFR flights Full update Full update
Air traffic delay Full update Full update
Transit time New value Full update
Rate of fuel burn Full update Not changed
Amount of emissions released by fuel burn Full update Not changed
Cost of emissions Adjusted to inflation Full update
Cost of noise Adjusted to inflation Full update
Shadow cost of carbon New value Adjusted to inflation
Proportion of sustainable aviation fuel New value Not changed
Aircraft operating costs Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Average number of passengers Full update Full update
Cancellation cost Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Operational cancellation rate Full update Full update
Cost of delay Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Cost of diversion Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Turnaround time Full update Full update
IFR average flight distance and flight duration Full update Full update
IFR flight information per market segment Full update Full update
Distance flown by charging zone Full update Full update
Load factor - cargo Full update Full update
Load factor - passengers Full update Full update
Cost of aviation fuel Not changed Not changed
Value of an average passenger flight Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Fleet age Full update Full update
Fleet size Full update Full update
Fleet CNS capability Not changed Full update
En-route ANS cost Full update Full update
Route charge share per market segment Full update Full update
ANSP employment cost Full update Full update
Asset life Not changed Not changed
ATM cost-effectiveness indicators Full update Full update
ATM operational units Full update Full update
CNS infrastructure Full update Not changed
PBN and precision approach procedures Not changed Full update
Airport classification Not changed Full update
Taxi time Full update Full update
Investment in U-space Not changed New information added
Drone fleet Not changed New information added
Purpose of passenger travel Not changed Not changed
Passenger value of time Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Accident/incident statistics Not changed Not changed
Value of a statistical life Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Value of a statistical injury Adjusted to inflation Adjusted to inflation
Discount rate Not changed Full update
Exchange rate Not changed Not changed