29  En-route ANS costs



29.2 Other possible sources

Another source could be the EUROCONTROL Central Route Charges Office. At the time of writing, the most recent published version is the 2022 Report on the Operation of the Route Charges System.[2] Please check regularly the CRCO full list of reports on the operation of the route charges system for the latest information.

The CRCO calculates route charges using flight messages sent by the Contracting States’ Route Charges Offices (CRCOs) and additional flight information made available via the EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate (NMD). The CRCO bills aircraft operators on a monthly basis, collects charges and disburses the amounts collected to the States every week.

29.3 Comment

Terminal ANS costs and ANSP gate to gate economic performance are described separately in chapter 6 of the EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report [1].

29.5 References

EUROCONTROL, “Draft Performance Review Report (PRR) 2023,” 2024 [Online]. Available: https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/performance-review-report-prr-2023
EUROCONTROL, “Report on the Operation of the Route Charges System in 2022,” 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/report-operation-route-charges-system-2022