4  Air traffic delay



4.2 Comment

Looking at both figures above, it can be observed that the ATFM delay, both at the airport and en-route, is higher when looking at the numbers provided by the airlines rather than that observed by the Network Manager. This is because the delay numbers provided by the Network Manager account for the planned delay due to restrictions in the airspace, while the numbers provided by the airlines cover the total delay, they attribute to ATFM, whether they come from the restrictions or any other planned ATFM delays, such as ATM system upgrades, training activities, etc.

Another important point to take into consideration when analysing the recommended values is the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Both, the all-causes delay and the ATFM delay were impacted by the significant reduction in air traffic in 2020 and 2021, resulting in a strong drop in the total delay duration. Thus, when looking into these numbers it is equally important to consider the situation prior to 2020. For the All-causes delay this information can be found in the previous editions of CODA Digest, available in EUROCONTROL library.

4.3 When to use the input?

It is recommended to use all causes of delay provided by CODA when analysing the impacts on airlines or on passengers/society (e.g., an airline upgrading the avionics in their aircraft; airport expansion, etc.). On the other hand, ATFM delay is recommended to be used when analysing projects aiming at improving flow management. Since primary delay shows the delay that is due to direct triggers, it is recommended to be used when analysing updates that would impact the non-reactionary delays.

4.5 References

C. Walker, “All-Causes Delays to Air Transport in Europe - Annual 2022.” Mar. 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/all-causes-delays-air-transport-europe-annual-2022
EUROCONTROL NMD/ACD/PRF, “Network Operations Report 2022,” May 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/annual-network-operations-report-2022