12  Aircraft operating costs



12.2 Data scope

The values used for analysis are the result of aggregating the cost data provided by 51 airlines worldwide ($26.5 billion expenditure), covering over 35% of the industry in terms of revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs), with European airlines representing 16% of the share and 12% in terms of passengers carried.

12.3 Data limitations

In a number of jurisdictions, airport charges and taxes that are levied on a per-passenger basis are not accounted for in airline profit and loss accounts. As a result, the share of airport charges is likely to be significantly understated, as airports may levy more on (i) a per-passenger or (ii) per-aircraft basis in some jurisdictions. To give an order of magnitude, in some regions the ACI (Airports Council International) estimates that over 50% of airport charges are collected on a per-passenger basis, reaching as much as 80% in some regions worldwide.

12.4 References

IATA, IATA Airline Cost Management Group.” [Online]. Available: https://www.iata.org/en/services/finance/airline-cost-mgmt/