7  Amount of emissions released by fuel burn



7.2 Other possible sources

  • European Aviation Environmental Report Series [1]

    The 2022 edition shows the aviation sector has taken steps to address environmental challenges but also that more decisive actions are needed. In particular, the latest trends in aircraft engine emissions are shown in section 3.2. of the document.

  • European Environment Agency (2023), EMEP2/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023 [2]

    Provides values for emission factors and fuel consumption in different phases of flight – including taxiing – for different aircraft types, using three different levels of accuracy and complexity, in section 1.A.3.a of the document.

  • ICAO Aircraft Engine Emissions Databank

    Available on the EASA website, this source contains information on exhaust emissions of production aircraft engines, covering engine types whose emissions are regulated, namely turbojet and turbofan engines with a static thrust greater than 26.7 kilonewtons.

  • Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation, Aircraft Engine Emissions [3]

    Presents a measurement and calculation methodology for aircraft piston engine emissions in order to improve aviation emission inventories, as developed by FOCA.

  • Swedish Defence Research Agency [4]

    Holds a database of emission indices of NOx, HC, and CO, with corresponding fuel flows for turboprop engines.

7.3 When to use the input?

This input is recommended for a wide use in assessments that focus on the assessment of environmental impact from the burning of fuel at any stage of the flight.

7.5 References

EUROCONTROL, EASA, EU, “European Aviation Environmental Report 2022,” Sep. 2022 [Online]. Available: https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/european-aviation-environmental-report-2022
European Environment Agency, EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023,” 2023 [Online]. Available: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/emep-eea-guidebook-2023
Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation, “Aircraft Engine Emissions [Online]. Available: https://www.bazl.admin.ch/bazl/en/home.html
Swedish Defence Research Agency, “The Environmental Impact of Aircraft [Online]. Available: https://www.foi.se/en/foi/research/aeronautics-and-space-issues/environmental-impact-of-aircraft.html

  1. Digital European Sky guidance and expert opinion↩︎

  2. EMEP is a cooperative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe↩︎